Tuesday 2 May 2017

We need someone who is skillfull not Bloody Difficult

Brexit: Theresa May says she'll be 'bloody difficult' to Juncker

"During the Conservative Party leadership campaign I was described by one of my colleagues as a bloody difficult woman. And I said at the time the next person to find that out will be Jean-Claude Juncker."
The "bloody difficult" quote came from former Conservative chancellor Ken Clarke, who was recorded discussing her after a TV interview last year. 

Unfortunately we need someone who is skillful not someone who prides themselves on being "Bloody Difficult" that rarely gets you the best deal in negotiations. While your entrenched in trying to live up to being difficult, the skilled negotiator will have sorted out the deal they want leaving you believing that you got the best deal. They will laugh while you claim that... oh yes, your tough difficult stance got the best deal. But the reality will be that you will have unknowingly handed them the cards.

Skillful is what is required not difficult.

Nice of her to wear Labour colours though.

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